Three Fugues

KK VIIa/2 (Luigi Cherubini)


The "Three Fugues, KK VIIa/2" by Chopin, inspired by Luigi Cherubini, demonstrate the Polish composer's engagement with the contrapuntal techniques of earlier Baroque and Classical masters. These fugues, composed around 1841, reveal Chopin's admiration for Cherubini, a prominent composer and music theorist. Unlike Chopin’s usual Romantic style, these fugues adhere to a stricter form, employing complex interweaving melodies and intricate harmonic progressions. Each fugue showcases a different character, yet they all maintain a disciplined structure that highlights Chopin’s profound respect for the traditions of counterpoint. These pieces serve as an homage to Cherubini's influence while allowing Chopin to explore and master a more rigid musical form.
