Variations sur Là ci darem la mano de Don Juan de Mozart

op. 2


The "Variations sur Là ci darem la mano de Don Juan de Mozart, Op. 2" is one of Chopin’s early compositions, written when he was just 17 years old. This set of variations is based on the famous duet from Mozart’s opera "Don Giovanni." Demonstrating his precocious talent, Chopin infuses each variation with virtuosic flair and expressive nuance, showcasing his pianistic prowess and imaginative approach to variation form. The work begins with the theme presented in a straightforward manner, followed by a series of increasingly elaborate variations that explore different textures, tempos, and moods. This piece not only pays tribute to Mozart’s genius but also serves as a testament to Chopin’s burgeoning originality and his ability to transform existing material into something distinctly his own. The work received high praise from contemporaries, including Robert Schumann, who famously declared, "Hats off, gentlemen, a genius!" upon hearing it.
